48 hours
in Adıyaman
If you want to take a quick stroll in Adıyaman, head to Nemrut, near the city and 40 km north of Kahta, where the ancient statues of deities are located at an altitude of 2206 m. Visit the historical Oturakçı Bazaar, where you’ll find high quality handwoven rugs called Pişinik and Alikan in bright colours and miniature Nemrut sculptures at affordable prices. And taste the world-famous Çiğ Köfte, Kavurmalı Hıtap, Cevizli Sucuk, and lamb and Adıyaman Tut Mulberry and Mulberry Molasses in Şambayat.
Mount Nemrut
Mount Nemrut
Oturakçı Bazaar
Mount Nemrut
Mount Nemrut
Oturakçı Bazaar Handcrafts
Mount Nemrut
Mount Nemrut